I think the thing that blew me away was how utterly blessed I am to have a mother who is so passionately in love with Jesus Christ and earnestly wants to follow his voice.
Granted, we had some fun, bizzare and hilarious times this past week, but what I remember most are our times of prayer, her laying of hands on me, our talks about our struggles and sharing what the Lord had spoken to us through our daily Bible reading.
God, thank You for blessing me with a godly heritage. Thank you for my mom who seeks Your face daily and wants so desperately to hear Your voice. I don't deserve this favor, Lord, but I praise You all the same for giving me my mother. Bless her in ways she can't even imagine.

I very much enjoyed meeting yo momma!!! I hope that Nevaeh and I can get out to the San Diego area to visit her... maybe next summer when Nevaeh is a bit older.
It's so awesome to have a Godly mother to look up to. I don't know what I would do without my Mom. She is absolutely amazing!
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