Well, it's been a month since I last posted so I thought I'd catch you (aka Jen!) up on what's been going on in my life and what God's been revealing to me.
Being a part of Palm Valley for three years, I served in the Kid's ministry very faithfully.
Starting to attend a new church, I knew I had to get hooked into the children's ministry right away. Now, you must understand, I worked under several kid's ministers, one of which was Dave Ellis, an incredibly meticulous, detailed kind of guy. The last week I served at PVC we were running 800 kids per weekend. So you can imagine my apprehension walking into the kid's ministry room with 40 kids, three adults, footballs and frisbees flying everywhere.
I made myself helpful and available, open and respectful to the children's pastor and his wife who are new to kid's ministry and completely understaffed. The volunteers who did show up were unbelievably unprepared, literally and spiritually. I was frustrated those first few weeks and often called friends from my old Home Team to gripe.
Finally, Lea, aka my spiritual kick in the rear, said to me something to the effect of, "When else would this church have someone walk in the door who has served in an amazing kid's ministry for three years who is a teacher by profession say to them, 'I'll do anything. Sign me up.' You are there for a purpose that no one else could fill." I was stunned. She was right.
So, I dug it. I was consistent and faithful and finally got a chance to do something as part of the service. You know when you are so used to the mundane that when you see the wonderful, you can't turn back? Well, after the second week of me being part of the service, the children's pastor called all his volunteers and gave them an ultimatum: either you show up prepared and ready to serve these kids or you don't come at all. Next week, no one showed for second service except me.
The last few weeks serving have been amazing. I've learned how to take authority (even if I disagree) and pray for God to move despite problems. And what do you know? God shows up and does His thing. I've learned to be a bit more dramatic, make kids laugh at my expense and preach the Word as much as possible. Although I have not yet achieved Shaun-like status(no prat falls or elaborate costumes yet), I'm finding that I have a laser-sharp focus every Sunday walking in that door.
- I'm here to encourage a pastor who was weary and overwhelmed.
- I'm here to inspire volunteers to dig in and make service a priority.
- I'm here to love on kids who need a hug and know for sure someone notices them.
- I'm here to say, "Girl, you look cute!" to the girl with the worst hairdo on the planet
- I'm here to hold A tight after his autism spectrum disorder just makes kid's church too hard to handle and he needs to feel safe.
- I'm here to make sure the balls from the pool table don't go flying through the window.
- I'm here to make sure everyone gets a turn and no one gets left out.
- I'm here to be less of me and more of Him.
SO awesome. Sounds crazy but wonderful. Thanks for the update :)
I love kids ministry. We took a break to prepare for Jonas' arrival but I miss it very much. There is nothing more fun than serving kids.
I am happy for you, I think you are doing great and you will continue to bless those around you with your love and kindness.
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