Ever get complacent? Thinking everything is just fine and great. That's how I felt this morning. Unfortunately, I got a very unexpected wake-up call.
While searching my favorite networking site, I got an invitation...to a memorial service.

Emily(far right) was one of my roommates my sophomore year. She was bright, funny and totally sold out to Christ. She left second semester to spend a semester in Guatemala and then spent the rest of college living in a special housing project downtown where she would mentor kids in the neighborhood and be a part of community service projects. She went on to become an ICU nurse and continued to serve God through various causes and trips. I just can't believe that she's gone. She had even left a cheeky note on the networking site about her upcoming surgery.
Now I'm sitting here looking through old pictures and thinking, "Why?" In my human mind, Emily still had stuff to do, lots of stuff to do. In my mind, she had not yet finished her purpose. But God wanted her home. So I sit and wait like David:
Psalm 5: 1-3
O LORD, hear me as I pray;
pay attention to my groaning.
Listen to my cry for help, my King and my God,
for I pray to no one but You.
Listen to my voice in the morning, LORD.
Each morning I bring my requests to You and wait expectantly.
I am so sorry for your loss...
I am praying for you this week.
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