Thursday, January 29, 2009


You can hear Phyllis a mile away. You can see her too. At over 6 feet, she's an imposing force to be reckoned with.

Saved by Jesus from a difficult childhood, taken out of the hood, she has amazing elegance and tons of sass.

Phyllis weaves magical phrases in her conversation such as "I was a kid at a candy store on crack!"

You got to love Phyllis.

As part of our study, one member Jennifer, was sharing how she was struggling to understand God's will. She was looking for a job and things just weren't happening.

Phyllis started to share her story of how she came out of the hood, how she was taken by God from job to job, gaining experience and wisdom. One week she drove her car on empty, a full week and God kept that tank full.

One time she was working a 20 hour a week job and she had 40 hour a week expenses, but she never stopped tithing and she was never late in a payment. God always provided.

As Phyllis teared up remember these things, she looked at Jennifer and started weeping. Through her tears she said, "You're it. You're the reason I went through these things. I know it. You need to hear this right now, don't you?"

Jennifer who was crying by now, nodded her head. Her faith was built up and Phyllis was reminded that she did not suffer in vain. God had a plan and a purpose for everything.

1 comment:

Stacey said...

That is why we go through the tough times of life... to help come along, place our arm on the hurting and walk with them through this journey called life!

Route 66 at Your Fingertips!