Saturday, October 18, 2008

High School Blues

So unlike teaching 5th grade where I just listened to the 20 minute play by play of a soccer game, in high school, I'm expected to go to the games. Now I like sports, I'm not a hater, but I get bored very easily and I don't really know anyone at the games. 
Both a blessing and a curse, the international students have a difficult time getting into sports due to the high liability so I only have a few students in sports. 
Last night I went to J's game. He's #84. And this is what I saw...
Yep. That's it. He stood on the sidelines the whole time. I felt bad. I mean, you can't come up and say, "Good job! You stood so well the whole time!" and it's awkward to say, "So you not practice or something?" Even more awkward the star player of the JV game also shares the same number so you get really excited only to realize it wasn't J at all. 

So I just fall back on the neutral, "Did you see me at the game?" on Monday morning to let him know I was there.  Hopefully next time he'll actually play and I'll have something to congradulate him on. 

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