Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Things that excite me!

  1. Jesus! No this is not the spontaneous Sunday School answer. Jesus really is exciting! Reading through Matthew has been wonderful. It's like meeting up with an old friend at a coffee shop and kicking yourself for letting the friendship go for so long.
  2. Pastors who tell it like it is! If you have never read any posts of Perry Noble or Steve Furtick, I would highly recommend you read this one and this one. These guys love Jesus and have a passion for reaching the lost.
  3. Bones! I started my anatomy unit last week and dang it, I just love studying the human body! My students just finished their bone project where they had to meticulously draw to scale the skeleton of one of their group members. I was really picky too. I had one kid redraw the clavicle 13 times. (The clavicle is also known as your collarbone by the way). In the end though, the projects look great!
  4. Fresh and Easy market! One just came to my neck of the woods and I love it. It has everything I need for cheap AND they have constant samples which made me a loyal customer from day one.
  5. My microwave's normal again! My hometeam gals got to hear my story of how my nacho chips caught on fire in my microwave last week. The strange thing is that my chips, cheese and plate were not burned at all. In fact, they tasted normal (well, I didn't taste the plate, but there were no burn marks). It wouldn't have been so weird had I not just read Exodus 3!

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