Tuesday, July 15, 2008

You say HaBAkkuk, I say HAbakkuk

The last few weeks, I keep circling back to Habakkuk which if you think of it is weird. Most people forget it's a book in the Bible, much less know what it says. It all started with this:

So, it got me curious and sure enough, Habakkuk continues to blow my socks off. After complaining to God, getting an answer, complaining again, getting another answer, here's Habakkuk's final response in Habakkuk 3.

17 Even though the fig trees have no blossoms,
and there are no grapes on the vines;
even though the olive crop fails,
and the fields lie empty and barren;
even though the flocks die in the fields,
and the cattle barns are empty,
18 yet I will rejoice in the Lord!
I will be joyful in the God of my salvation!
19 The Sovereign Lord is my strength!
He makes me as surefooted as a deer,
able to tread upon the heights.

Wow. After everything, Habakkuk comes back to the heart of the issue: Can you worship God for who He truly is? Can you trust Him enough to know that He will be your strength no matter what the circumstance?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rachael, I just want to Thank you for everything you do with the home team. You are such a inspiration to me and others. I am really going to miss you and I hope you will keep in touch. I pray God continues to bless your life and to bless others by having you in their lives. I have truly been bless with you in my life. Thank you so much.

Route 66 at Your Fingertips!