Saturday, August 16, 2008

God has a sense of humor(aka I have a job!)

When I graduated from college, I told my mother two things:
1. I would never teach high school
2. I would never teach in her district

Let's just say I've been laughing for the past 24 hours at God's sense of humor. I'd like to think He's laughing along.

I got offered (and accepted) a job yesterday teaching part-time high school English to international students. In my mom's district.

It's crazy reflecting on how perfect this position is. Who else but God would take a 5th grade teacher and plunk her with no experience, no credential in a high school classroom. I start Monday. As in 48 hours.

The class is all set up. The lesson plans are done through the semester. I'm only teaching two classes of advanced students.

My biggest fear was that I wasn't qualified for it. I wrestled with God for a good hour, but decided to take the step of faith and go for it. As I'm looking through the lesson plans and what I'll actually be teaching, it's stunning. It's what I taught in 5th grade.

In elementary, I guess I always thought of myself as an average teacher. I was effective, yes, but never really thought I was anything exceptional. Until last night. When I realized I was teaching my 5th graders high school vocabulary and writing skills. I taught 10 year-olds MLA formatting. I taught a kid who had almost no English language skills how to use the word "juxtapose" correctly in a sentence.

Dang. I'm good.

I'm still looking forward to teaching internationally someday, but how perfect, how terribly and wonderfully perfect is my position right now. It's preparing me for the next step.

I keep reflecting on what Pastor Greg said a few months ago that has just stuck with me:
God will prepare you for what He has prepared for you.

This is true. So very true. God has an amazing sense of humor.


Anonymous said...

Hey I am so glad your are doing well, how is the new job going?

Anonymous said...

What school are you teaching at?

Teachertraveler said...

Haha, I'll give you a hint. You have to turn around in a circle at some point while singing the Alma Mater. Yes, you guessed it. I'm teaching at CHS. Crazy, no?

Route 66 at Your Fingertips!