Friday, December 5, 2008


For an English teacher to run out of words is a fairly serious thing. I have literally run out of “excitement” words at this point. “Hooray” seems too cheap. “Yay” is more like “Yay, I found my socks” and “Huzzah!” is much too Pirates of the Caribbean.

Nevertheless I cannot tell you how excited I am that two of the dearest bloggers and sisters in Christ you have ever met received VERY EXCITING NEWS THIS WEEK!

Both the Gumms and the Slonigers are leaving next week to bring home their kids from Ethiopia!

Please pray for their safety, their health, and their kids (both here and in Ethiopia) as they travel.

You can meet the two new Gumms here and the newest Sloniger here. 


beBOLDjen said...

Dude, My vote is for Huzzah! Now that's a word you don't hear every day. I'm willing to risk sounding a bit like a pirate. HAHAHA

Thanks so much for sharing in our joy!

Anonymous said...

Hey there Stranger,
WEll I had the pleasure of meeting Mark on our Mission trip to Mexico and he is great. I am so excited for him and his fmaily. when are you comming to visit? I miss you and hope life is treating you well. talk to you later

Teachertraveler said...

Hi Laura!
I've missed you!
I'll be sending an email your way...

Route 66 at Your Fingertips!