Sunday, December 28, 2008


I don't like to submit...ever. Growing up in the church climate I did, "submission" took on the connotation of "Shut up, I'm a man and know better" so I have never had a friendly relationship with anything resembling submission.

My natural inclination is, "Hmm...I know how to fix this, let me fix this and I don't care where I am in the chain of command." So, I've been working on the pride issue and the selfishness issue and come to find out it all has to do with submission to Christ and not "running interference". I've been learning to let God do His thing in the life of others without me butting in and trying to do everything myself.

Enter serving at a new church and a new children's ministry. I've been part of a very successful children's ministry in the past that ran five services, had hundreds of kids and small groups and games and life application and joy get the picture. But I'm not the children's pastor. So I have a choice:
1. Be obnoxiously self-centered, expounding on how I know how children's ministry can be successful and here is a five step process to get to that goal and let's start today.
2. Serve humbly and pray for my pastor to have wisdom.

For once, I went with option #2 (*ding ding*) and guess what? Pastor Bobby comes to me today and starts telling me about this exciting new kid's curriculum we are starting with small groups and games and life application and joy and...yeah, I almost bawled. I never said a word to Pastor Bobby about changing the curriculum to meet the needs of our kids, but God did something much more powerful and taught me an important lesson.

Submission. Real. True. Submission.

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