Sunday, May 3, 2009

Moving forward

I cannot believe it has already been a month since getting my job in Germany. It has been surreal. My church often talks about how we get paradigms or thought patterns stuck in our brain and how we need to seek God to help us renew our minds and get into new paradigms and thought patterns that He has created in us.

I found this happening to me this month. After nearly two years of job searching, I still found myself with the old paradigms. I would catch myself checking the same websites for job openings and then go, "Wait a minute! I already have a job!" I had received a gift from God so great, but my mind was still back in old patterns, out-dated worries and non-existent problems. How often does that happen to Christ-followers today. You've been saved from death, hell and the grave and yet, we sometimes still feel like we don't deserve it, we're not worthy, "Well, I just don't feel saved." Thank God, His salvation doesn't ride on our feelings! You're saved! He's already done the heavy lifting so live! Live as if you have been saved from death, hell and the grave!

You know what it took to destroy some paradigms? Two things: His Word and praise. If I'm not reading the Bible every day, I mean really reading the Bible, not just skimming, I'll fall back into those old thought patterns just like that. Also, I need to praise Him daily, one the who gave me this awesome job! I've been telling everyone I know about His goodness, His faithfulness, His timing, His glory, etc. and when your conversations are dominated by that, your brain cannot hold on to those old thoughts. When you praise God, He shows up in a big way.

So, what paradigms do you need God's power to slay today? Start reading and start praising!

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