Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Back in the saddle...

Hey, y'all. Sorry I've been so hit-and-miss for blogging. My internet has been weird so I may be ready to blog but my computer's may not be ready to cooperate.

I absolutely LOVED today's reading! Here are my thoughts and questions that came up for me:

Matthew 15--I love this encounter Jesus has with the Canaanite woman. First, he's just criticized the Pharisees for knowing all the Scripture and the law, but not applying it, not even realizing who He was!
And here comes a Gentile woman (gosh, Gentile and a woman, I bet the Pharisees would have had a field day with this one!) who not only understands who Jesus is, she has "great faith."
Sure enough the disciples were bothered by her, why? Because she was worshipping Him loudly! Isn't it always the people who don't get it, ones who honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship is a farce; aren't those the ones who try their hardest to put up barriers for true worshippers?
Quite frankly, my favorite part is the woman's response. It is darn funny! I just love the whole section.

Psalm 19--There is just something about this Psalm that resonates deeply with me. It's got everything, worship, descriptions of nature, love of Scripture, repentance and a request for holiness. I've seriously read this at least seven times today already and I just can't get enough of it! It really is like honey dripping from the comb. Or if you are like my mom who hates honey it is like chocolate dripping from the spoon.

Lord, may I always thirst for your righteousness. May I read and reread your commands until they shout in my mind and penetrate deep within my heart.

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