Friday, January 25, 2008

Blessed by family

So thought I'd share some fun family photos that capture whole stories in them...
This picture basically tells you everything you'd ever need to know about the differences between my brother and I. I'm the squinting wallflower looking for direction while he's hamming it up for the camera, hip popped out with stylish sock/sandal combo. I could never pull that off. Grandpa...I miss him. But this is truly hilarious. If you look really closely at my brother's hand, you'll notice his finger in a splint because he almost cut it off when it was accidentally slammed in a door. The irony of the picture is that Grandpa is proudly holding the hedge clippers as my brother looks very warily at them.
Just too darn cute. Got to love the 80's short shorts. By the way, that was the coolest bubble mower ever!

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