Sunday, January 20, 2008

Eyeballs and service

Last night I truly understood the analogy that Paul gave us about the Body of Christ in 1 Corinthians 12:12-31. Yes, I put a link you could read it, so read it! You will be blessed no matter what. It really doesn't matter what I say in the next few sentences, but I do care if you read His Word.
Anyway, last night went to see the movie The Diving Bell and the Butterfly with my dear friend Ida. The movie is the true story of a man named Jean-Dominque Bauby who was living the high life until he had a stroke that completely paralyzed him except for his left eye. The movie is mostly from Bauby's perspective, as in literally from his left eye. I loved the message of the movie, I loved the story line...unfortunately, the cinematography just about killed me. Because it follows the vision of one person's eye, the camera jerks this way and that, goes blurry at times or flickers. About an hour into the movie, Ida and I had to leave since we were so nauseated.

Wow! I need my eyeballs! And when they are out of whack, boy does it affect the rest of my body! The muscles around my eyes hurt, my jaw hurt, my stomach was doing somersaults, even my legs were wobbly. Not only that, my energy was simply drained from my body...and all because of artsy cinematography!

It made me reflect on how much each part of the Body of Christ is needed. Until last night, I didn't realize how important the muscles surrounding my eyes were until they didn't work properly. How many people are there who do all the behind the scenes work and you would never know they are there until they are missing. When one person is hurting, all others should respond to help and heal. Everyone is needed, everyone's unique giftedness is essential to bringing God glory and following the vision He's called us to do.

The flip side to this is how are you using your giftedness to bring glory to God? Are you a seat-warmer at your church who watches everyone else thinking, "Well, I just don't have time right now." I'm sorry to be so blunt, but if that's what you are thinking you're worse than my poor eyeballs because at least they got back in the game after a little while. Stop fooling yourself.

Action steps you can take with you:
1. If you aren't serving yet, just do it! No excuses, no whining, you WILL be blessed.
2. Find people in the Body of Christ who need to be encouraged, thanked and supported.

Speaking of which, some shout-outs to some people who make my day:
1. Art, thank you for your prayers and encouragement. I still have the email you sent me for my birthday. It was one of the sweetest things I've ever gotten. Know that I pray for you and Susie daily. Much love!
2. Pastor Mark, thanks for the encouragement today on the patio and for getting me started on my Financial Peace journey. Your leadership by example makes a difference.
3. Pastor Greg, thanks for being a vessel for Christ. Today is was very obvious that God was using you to speak truth into so many people's lives, including mine!
4. Hometeam gals, I love you and can't imagine what I'd do without you!

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