Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Restart your fresh start

One of the cool things that comes with visiting the folks is getting to go to their church, Mission Valley Christian Fellowship. MVCF is very similar to Palm Valley in that it has a strong vision and no building. They set up every Sunday at a different hotel depending on availability. Pastor Leo is always fun to hear with his passion for God being visible at all times. However, Sunday he was sick and Pastor Rob, his son-in-law, preached in the morning. Youth pastor, Lyle, preached Sunday night.
Wow, what a blessing! Pastor Rob has this amazing ability to lead you into worship patterns. I don't know if that makes any sense, but you'll be tooling along listening passively and Zap! something will convict you and you'll find yourself meditating on it until the next Zap! Quite frankly, I only really hear 50% of his sermon, but the 50% that I hear really sticks. He spoke about the importance of reading the Bible, not in a "I know everything" tone, but in a "Gee, I really blew it this year" tone which was refreshing. He spoke about how God is gracious in that he gives fresh starts, not just on January 1st. Listen to the actual sermon here.
Pastor Lyle, who cracks me up, followed up on Sunday night talking about how God is gracious enough to help you "restart your fresh start". He talked about the importance of being in the Word (hmmm...a theme here) and how he feels that God used Pastor Leo's illness to really convict him of his need to be in the Word constantly. He used the example of Joash, a young man who was in the Word, fell out and then totally blew it. Click here to listen to the sermon.
So as I start this "Route 66" journey with Palm Valley it's encouraging to know that other leaders are following after God's heart by reading His Word and urging others to do the same.
No matter where you are this January 1st know that you can "restart your fresh start" and get in step with God by reading His personal revelation to you.

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Route 66 at Your Fingertips!